Water Emergencies: Prevention and Response

Water Safety Awareness

From coast to coast, our nation is currently facing a shortage of pool and ocean lifeguards, and coupled with record-breaking heat waves, the risk of water-related emergencies is soaring. In fact, recently, Florida alone reported 11 tragic drowning incidents. In light of these alarming circumstances, it is crucial that every one of us takes personal responsibility for water safety, both at the pool and by the ocean, and equips ourselves with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively during emergencies.

It's important to understand that the risks and appropriate actions vary depending on whether you're near standing water like a lake or pool or in the ocean. Here are some key points to keep in mind when around lakes and pools:

  • Designate a capable adult who can swim to monitor the pool actively. They should remain free from distractions, wear identifiable attire such as a shirt or hat, and pass on the responsibility to another person if they need to leave the area temporarily.

  • Familiarize yourself with available rescue resources, such as a rescue hook or life ring, and ensure they are easily accessible in case of an emergency.

  • Identify individuals in your vicinity who have a medical background and can assist if needed.

When it comes to the ocean, the risks and recommended precautions differ due to factors like rip currents and unpredictable deep water areas. Here are a few considerations to bear in mind when visiting the ocean:

  • Opt for beaches with trained lifeguards on duty. Their presence significantly enhances safety levels.

  • Consult with the lifeguard on duty to determine the designated safe areas for swimming.

  • If you are not a confident swimmer, it's best to stay on the beach and avoid venturing into the water.

  • Should you witness someone struggling in the water, promptly notify a lifeguard and refrain from attempting a rescue unless no lifeguard is available. Your safety should always be a top priority.

Ultimately, the responsibility for water safety rests upon each individual. Enhance your swimming skills by taking lessons and seeking training on how to respond to water emergencies, such as situations involving drowning.

By working together, we can help mitigate the risks associated with water-related incidents and ensure the well-being of ourselves, our students, and the entire community. Let's make water safety a top priority.

We would love to support you and your students in medical procedure training. Please take a look at our catalog, and if you are interested in learning more, schedule a time to chat!


On-Scene Management of Drowning Incidents


Naloxone for Opioid Overdose