Provide Summer Medical CTE Courses w/ SimRated

Summer is quickly approaching, and many high schools are looking to capitalize on the extra time off to provide  additional courses for college and career readiness. In recent years, these Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses have gained popularity among students looking to grow their career pathways. CTE courses provide students with opportunities to gain valuable skills and knowledge in specific industries while preparing them for future careers in their interested fields of study.

Early Career Exploration

Career and Technical Education courses provide an excellent opportunity for high school students to explore medical career pathways - sometimes in areas they may not normally be exposed to during the typical school year. By taking procedure courses in the medical field, students gain insight into the skills and knowledge required to work in the medical industry- exposure that can help them make informed decisions about their future career goals. According to the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEC) - and more currently known as Advance CTE -  students who participate in CTE programs are more likely to graduate from high school, enroll in postsecondary education, and be employed in their chosen career field. 

Hands-on Learning

Summer CTE courses also offer unique hands-on learning opportunities that are not always available in traditional classroom settings due to scheduling. These courses provide students with the chance to apply their knowledge in practical ways, such as through internships, job shadowing, and other work-based learning experiences. Through these experiences, students can gain real-world skills and knowledge that can be applied to future jobs. 

Hands-On Medical Procedures

Schools and educators can use SimRated to support teaching through new and existing programs. SimRated’s training methodology is based on skill acquisition theory to accelerate students to procedure competency. Any educator can facilitate these hands-on procedure courses through the support of the SimRated curriculum. 

  • The training that SimRated provides is centered around providing students with high-quality reading materials designed by practicing clinicians, as well as first-rate videos of procedures being completed by an expert, along with simple step-by-step instructions. 

  • This helps ensure that when students arrive in the classroom, they are ready to practice the procedures and complete the practical application of learned skills.

College and Career Readiness

These summer courses can also help students become more college and career-ready by providing them with opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials and certifications. These credentials not only enhance students’ resumes but also help demonstrate to employers that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a given industry. 

Additionally, CTE courses can help students meet admission requirements for many postsecondary education programs. Students can use the summer to become certified in various courses offered and in doing so, can become qualified for industry internships and jobs that require such skills.

Assessing one’s learning is also an important part of SimRated’s approach. SimRated connects students to expert clinicians for assessment and feedback purposes, offering students procedural knowledge assessments via an online exam, simulation-based exams evaluated by SimRated clinician raters resulting in a pass/fail score and narrative feedback, as well as the appropriate procedure-specific simulation equipment and supplies in individual student boxes for assessment purposes. The successful passing of these assessments often leads to industry-recognized digital certifications.

Industry Connections

Through summer CTE courses, students are also allowed to network with professionals in their chosen fields. These connections and networking can lead to internships, job shadowing, and employment opportunities. By networking with professionals in their preferred fields of study, students can gain a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in their chosen career field, as well as future career expectations.  

Academic Advancement

Career and technical education courses have also been shown to help students excel academically. According to a report from the California Department of Education, students who participate in CTE programs have higher GPAs, better attendance records, and higher graduation rates than students who do not participate in CTE programs. Additionally, these courses can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in other academic areas.

Whether students use their summer breaks to engage in early career exploration or gain an academic edge over their classmates, CTE courses provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their future careers. SimRated helps students with these tasks through courses focused on IV placement, intubation, phlebotomy, suturing, and more! For a detailed SimRated course offering list, visit our courses page here.


  1. National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium. (2014). CTE: Making the Difference. Retrieved from 

  2. California Department of Education. (2022). CTE Fact Sheet for School Leaders. Retrieved from


Naloxone for Opioid Overdose


Kam Weller, High School Athletic Trainer & SimRated Instructor